Browsing All posts tagged under »Love«

Maple Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies

November 1, 2011


A breakfast cookies is a larger cookie that has less sugar. It’s intended to be healthier, more filling, and less fattening. Think of a breakfast cookie as something between a regular sugar cookie and a scone. I went slightly crazy making cookies this weekend, with a freak blizzard in October all a-brewing outside. Most of […]

Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

October 19, 2011


Have you ever had one of those chocolate oranges? You know, those absolutely divine chocolates shaped like oranges? Everyone secretly wishes for one in her Christmas stocking. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, get educated!  (But don’t buy any, because I’m not sure if they’re dairy-free or not.) Anyway, I’ve been planning […]

Tomatoes Stuffed with Crab (Totally Gourmet)

October 4, 2011


When I get home from work, I’m pretty darn hungry. I don’t like waiting forever and a day while my stomach curls in on itself with writhing hunger. Maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I get hungry, okay? (Then, of course, I end up eating a couple cookies or dessert first, while waiting […]

Pear Sauce

October 3, 2011


My parents have a pear tree that has been shedding pears unmercifully. Last spring, before everything started to bloom, my dad and I pruned many new shoots and some old branches from our beautiful pear tree. The goal was to help it produce fewer, bigger, jucier pears. It had another plan. The remaining branches doubled […]

Poor Man’s Vegan English Mini-Pasty

September 29, 2011


Ohmygoodfriend’spajamas. Sometimes I surprise myself with supremely superb dishes. I wish I were still hungry, just so I could eat another one of these vegan mini-pasties. When I was in England, my kind English pal introduced me to English pasties. Pasties are a sort of smaller calzone filled with beef, potato and onion, although there […]

Crumpets and Tea

September 28, 2011


I feel like a Brit. You wouldn’t believe the excitement on my face when I found crumpets in Trader Joe’s. I was so happy, I gasped with joy. My excitement gathered momentum as I read the ingredients and found no dairy. Fantastic! Now, you’re probably wondering why I don’t make them from scratch. Ha. I […]

An Offal Adventure, Part 1

August 27, 2011


I not one of those people. You know, those people who go out of their way to obtain some outlandish food. No, I create food out of the normal food I already have in my cupboard. On a side note, today I drove a total of 3 hours on the cusp of an impending hurricane […]